Visit us
What to expect when you visit Lakeside…
At Lakeside we are intentionally growing a culture that welcomes anyone. We’re not perfect at this, but we are trying. It doesn’t matter if your background, your history, or your record is spattered with mistakes or triumphs. We believe we all are on equal ground when it comes to how God views us.
We also know you may have a lot of questions. A lot of questions for God, for the church, or for Christians in general! We never want to be a church that says questions are a bad thing.
Bring your questions with you.
Bring your doubts with you.
Bring your joys and your sorrows with you.
Come as you are.
If you’d like to read more about what happens on Sunday’s at Lakeside then please read on…
Here’s what a typical Sunday Morning at Lakeside looks like…
On Sunday mornings we generally gather around 9:15 AM in our “fellowship” area, which is our lobby. We enjoy good talk, good coffee, and usually a tasty treat!
We have a growing, vibrant Youth Ministry that begins at 10:00 am (the same time our Adult Service starts, but you can begin checking your children in with our volunteers at 9:30 am. You can feel safe bringing your pre-school, and school aged children to our youth ministry. All volunteers and staff are required to complete a “Background Check", we also have a child check in and out system. The safety of your children, and ours is of utmost importance to all of us.
As we said, our Adult Service begins at 10:00 am. We begin with a brief good morning and then lead into a moment of prayer for any special needs within our church family, or the needs of our extended family and friends.
We then begin a time of singing which traditionally has been referred to as “Worship”. We still use that word around Lakeside. So when you generally hear someone say, “Worship is about to start” they mean the singing is going to start. We believe that music is a powerful source that’s been created for us for our good. Music can open up our hearts like nothing else. Think of a song from your High School days. Doesn’t it bring back a lot of memories, and sometimes emotions? Powerful stuff.
We know, if you’re not familiar with the way Church people talk, all of this can sound a little intimidating. Trust us, we’ve all been there! :) Which is why we are trying to be a little more sensitive to the way we “refer” to some of the things we’ve been doing for generations.
After our time of singing to God, we usually go into a time of “Communion”. This is something we believe to be paramount to why we gather on Sunday mornings. “Communion” is a time for those who have made personal commitments to enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ, to reflect, meditate, confess our weaknesses to him, and to partake of a meal consisting of a little cup of grape juice, and a small cracker. There’s no "magic" in this time of Communion, but we believe it’s an important part of our gatherings each and every Sunday.
After this, we usually take up an offering for the needs of the church. We never expect our visitors, those who are checking us out, to give to the needs of our church family. If you have any questions about how the money is used that generously is given to Lakeside please ask one of our Pastors. They will be happy to share with you the heavy responsibility we know we have with the money that is entrusted to us as a church.
Once the offering is taken we will hear an encouraging word from one of our Pastors. This “word” will always be based on what the Bible teaches. The Pastors know that they are human, they make mistakes, and there is only one who is perfect. It is to the one who is “perfect” that we all look to guide us, direct us, and mold us into being better followers of Him. In our culture today in the USA there is a lot of hatred, and misunderstanding towards Christianity, and it’s followers. Sometimes the “followers” are the ones to blame. We get that. At Lakeside Christian Church we desire to be known for “what we STAND FOR”, and not always known for “what we stand against”.
After the Pastor has finished his message he will usually offer what we call an “invitation” to the congregation. This “invitation” is to make a decision. Sometimes people decide to come forward to ask for specific prayer, or to publicly declare that they would like to enter into a relationship with Jesus, or they might be ready to make a formal commitment to become a “member” of Lakeside. The bottom line is that this time of decision is personal for everyone and we respect that. Sometimes someone might make a decision right from their seat; maybe a decision to be a better Father, or Husband, or Wife. Maybe they’ll make a decision to change an area of their life they have been wanting to work on for some time. Whatever the decision might be, the people of Lakeside are always available to help in anyway possible.
We try to dismiss by 11:30 AM, but to be honest with you it’s not always easy to hit that mark. But we do try!
We hope this will help you understand a little bit more about what takes place at Lakeside on a Sunday Morning, and we cordially invite you to attend our 10:00 am service THIS Sunday.
Come as you are-we’re a casual church.
​We also have a vibrant Youth Ministry that is continuing to grow!
All kids gather on Wednesday Nights at 6:00 PM.
weekly services:
Wednesday Night Youth: 6pm
Sunday Morning Service: 10am
Contact us
22321 Oak Ridge Dr.
Shell Knob, MO 65747